Can't attend but want to donate
Can't attend but want to donate

Hope is


Youā€™re invited to join us for coffee and donuts as we celebrate you, our loyal supporters.

Our donors and biggest fans understand that, at its core, Legacy of Hope isnā€™t just an outreachā€”itā€™s a complete life change for orphans and vulnerable children.

This live, virtual event will include glimpses of the Honduran culture, staff members sharing their inside knowledge, and donors like you who have been personally impacted by their giving.

All attendees will also receive a carefully curated gift box that includes our own Legacy of Hope coffee straight from Honduras, a coffee mug, and the ingredients you need to make your own donuts.

Last, and certainly not least…

With your FREE event registration, you can optionally purchase $50 raffle tickets to win an $1800 trip to Costa Rica.

Hope is Brewing 2021

Raffle tickets and coffee box available for purchase with your FREE registration above.

Event Details


June 13th, 2021 (Time TBD)


From the comfort of your own home. (links will be sent prior to the event)

Receive An
Event Coffee Kit

When you register, you have the option to purchase a gift box created exclusively for this event and catered to your tastebuds.

Here is what your box includes:

Can’t attend but want to donate

Raffle Drawing -

Getaway to
Gaia Costa Rica

Gaia Hotel and Reserve, located in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, is an adults and teens-only luxury boutique beach 5-star hotel and resort.

Selected Mexico & Central Americaā€™s Leading Boutique Hotel since 2009, Gaia is nestled in the magnificent coastal forests of Costa Rica, offering sublime luxury with views of the lush and pristine wild surroundings that are beyond compare.

Raffle tickets are available for purchase after registration and during the event.

FREE event registration is required for ticket purchase, but attendance is at your discretion.

Click the button below to get yours today.

Photo source: Gaia Hotel


Pour into the lives of orphans

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