Restoring Hope and Changing Lives

holding a newborn

feeding a newbornThis year, we have seen an increase in the number of teen mothers who have been referred to our Emergency Placement Homes.  Currently, there are several young moms in our care, and over the years we have been able to care for numerous newborns and teens rescued from situations of abuse and violence. 

Currently, we have a 12-year-old who arrived this month and upon her intake process, we discovered that she is pregnant as the result of rape. My eyes filled with tears when I heard this news as I imagined her playing Barbies, going to school, learning to read and write… How could this be her story? 

Then God gently reminds me that He didn’t intend for things to be this way, that her story doesn’t end here. His plan and purpose brought her to us, where we can advocate for her and care for her as He would.

As God so often does, He gives us cases with joyful outcomes amid heartbreaking ones…

This week our administrator attended the legal hearing for a precious baby girl who was brought to the crisis care center when she was only days old, after being abandoned by her birth mom.   She is currently awaiting her adoptive family as Child Services has begun the abandonment process to legally free her for adoption. Our team is so grateful that the lawyer on her case has been proactive, taking steps to assure her a forever family as soon as possible. 

classroomAttending her hearing and listening to child services talk about how they want her to have a family as soon as possible shows us that the work and advocacy done by Legacy of Hope in the last decade has resulted in systemic change.  Instead of waiting years for permanency, within the first few months, steps are being taken to assure children a forever family.  

This month we have also had the joy of watching child services match a little boy who was placed in our care as a newborn with his adoptive family. His mommy and daddy, who are from Spain, arrived earlier this month to meet him in person for the first time. 

There were so many tears shed by our team and his parents as he grabbed onto his daddy’s neck in pure delight. We firmly believe every child deserves a safe and loving family, so being able to watch this moment unfold was a priceless reminder of the importance of the work we do.  

The joys and tragedies I have witnessed while living on mission will remain in my heart long after I leave Honduras. I often wonder where these children would go if it wasn’t for Legacy of Hope. I am so thankful for our caregivers, staff, and leadership team that continues to tirelessly advocate for these children. I am also thankful to have been a part of what God is doing here in Honduras.  God continues to amaze me as He restores hope and changes lives.

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